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Root Canals

More commonly known as root canal, is the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the dental pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth).


The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, which are important in tooth development.


What are Root Canals?

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What they Solve

The pulp, or soft tissue inside the tooth, is protected by a layer of hard tissue called dentin which is itself covered by a layer of enamel. Root canal treatment is necessary once the pulp becomes inflamed or infected.


Endodontic procedures are performed to relieve this very pain. With profound anesthesia and the latest techniques available today, a root canal is very comfortable and is usually rendered in a single visit depending on the level of infection.


This treatment is a safe and effective means of saving the original damaged tooth. Our office uses specialists to treat root canals, do apical surgery, and post and core restorations prior to crown placement. 

Pulp Inflamation Causes

  • Infection 

  • Deep decay that has penetrated the two outer layers and infected the pulp.

  • Repeated dental procedures on the tooth

  • Trauma

  • A blow to the tooth (which may cause pulp damage, which can take years to show symptoms)


Following are a list of symptoms that can suggest the need for a root canal. Sometimes, however, there may be no symptoms.


  • Pulp damage may appear as sharp, throbbing, or dull, aching pain. The pain can develop and linger for more than 10 seconds after drinking hot or cold liquids.



  • A discolored tooth is a sign of a non-vital tooth usually resulting from trauma. Swelling and tenderness in the gum at the base of the tooth is a sign of an abscess. There are times when the tooth is asymptomatic but the pulp is dead. In all cases, the tooth requires endodontic intervention.


  • Toothache pain so intense it wakes you up at night.


  • Pain when chewing or biting.


  • Swelling on your gum which when pressed may release blood or pus.


  • Pain that starts in one tooth and spreads to other regions of the jaw or head, e.g. an infected lower molar (back tooth) may cause you to feel pain in the ear!

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